Ao longo da existência de São Paulo e Nova York, muitas formas tiveram o seu momento. Muitas mais terão o seu lugar no incessante fluir da história das duas colossais cidades das Américas. Se nessa mesma história, que ocorre dia após dia durante séculos, a paisagem foi tão esmagadoramente transmutada, o que acontecerá se essa mesma paisagem for transformada não na prisão do inexorável desenrolar da Realidade mas sim na viagem da Imaginação? Certamente, a resposta a essa pergunta será um exercício de puro devaneio, ainda mais quando os cenários em causa são as fabulosas megalópoles de Nova York e São Paulo
Along the existence of São Paulo and New York, lots of forms have had their day. Many others will have their place in the unstoppable flux of the history of both colossal cities of the Americas. If in that same history, which occurs day by day through centuries, the landscape was so overwhelmingly transmuted, what will happen if that same landscape is transformed not in the prison of the inexorable unrolling of Reality but in the travel of Imagination? Certainly, the answer to that question will be an exercise of pure daydream, even more when the sceneries in question are the fabulous megalopolis of New York and São Paulo
Along the existence of São Paulo and New York, lots of forms have had their day. Many others will have their place in the unstoppable flux of the history of both colossal cities of the Americas. If in that same history, which occurs day by day through centuries, the landscape was so overwhelmingly transmuted, what will happen if that same landscape is transformed not in the prison of the inexorable unrolling of Reality but in the travel of Imagination? Certainly, the answer to that question will be an exercise of pure daydream, even more when the sceneries in question are the fabulous megalopolis of New York and São Paulo
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